- info@propertydoctors.in
- +91 98243 23995
Our Promoters
Taher Zabuawala
BE.Civil ; MBA (Marketing) ; LLB ; AMIE ; Gov Approved Arbitrator & Property ValuerTaher@propertydoctors.in
- Gov approved Property Valuer under Wealth Tax Act & Black Money Act
- Gov. Approved Arbitrator
- Project Development & Management
Ajab Taher Zabuawala
BE Civil; ME (Structure) ; MBA (Finance) ; MIE ; Give approved Arbitrator & Property ValuerAjab@propertydoctors.in
- Gov Approved Property Valuer under Wealth Tax Act & Black Money Act
- Competent Person Under Section 6 & 112 of Factories act for Structure Stability
- Giv Approved Arbitrator
Juzer Nalwala
BE Civil; MSc Hydrogeology (Germany)juzer@propertydoctors.in
- Environmental Consultant
- Licensed Hydrogeologist Works
- Ground Water Consultant
- Project Manager & Property Valuer
Amatullah Juzer Nalwala
BArch ; LLB Master of Property & Development (UNSW , Sydney)amatullah@propertydoctors.in
- Licensed under the Council of Architecture of India
- VMC Licensed
- SMC Licensed
- Property Valuer
- Real estate Investment Consultant